Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Today after a very not so great morning I came home and sat at my kitchen table and began working on a few craft projects.

The first is a sewing drawer project. Yesterday I came across 3 old drawers that once belonged to a sewing table. I thought that they would look so cute if they were hung up on my wall and used for nick-knack storage. So I came home cleaned them up and made sure all the cob webs were swiped away. I then pulled out some old coffee grounds, got them wet and then smeared it on the sides of the draws. The draw sides were much lighter then the front, it looked slightly odd.

After an half an hour I was able to wipe away the coffee grounds to find that the sides indeed were much darker.

You can tell by the inside of the draw that the outside is darker.

So cute! I am really happy with how they came out.

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